Our principles: sustainable, cooperative, organic, regional
Our two Buchinger Wilhelmi clinics on Lake Constance and in Marbella are embedded in regions with a high quality of life and are fully integrated in the respective economic and cultural networks. Together with local partners, we develop attractive services for our guests and contribute to the prosperity of society in the region. As a family-owned business, we think in generations and take responsibility for sustainable development.
We work with regional artists, theatre and music projects as well as regional organic farms, organisations such as the slow food movement or other institutions with similar concepts, such as Lassalle House in Schönbrunn as a matter of course. In the area of medicine and dietetics, we collaborate with renowned partners such as the new chair for health tourism in Málaga or the University of Jena.

Ärztegesellschaft Heilfasten und Ernährung e.V.
Phone: +49 7551 807825

Facultad de Ciencias Deleg. Alumnos de Ciencias (Módulo de CC. Biológicas)
Phone: +34 952 13 10 00
E-mail: informacion@uma.es