The Buchinger Wilhelmi programme – For a healthy and fulfilled life.
The Buchinger Wilhelmi programme is built around the fasting method developed by the clinic’s founder Dr. Otto Buchinger (1878 – 1966). This method has been honed continually over three generations and in cooperation with university research centres. Our programme is designed to preserve, promote and restore your health.
We pursue a holistic approach that sees the body, mind and soul as one in the healing and growth process. The focus is on therapeutic fasting and personal medical care. Conscious nutrition, physical fitness and spiritual inspiration round off our range of services and play an equally important role in the regeneration of the body and spirit as physical treatments and exercise in nature.
Buchinger Wilhelmi Therapeutic Fasting
The Buchinger Wilhelmi fasting programme is based on more than 100 years of experience.
It is designed to help you regain and preserve your quality of life, functional capacity and inner harmony. Besides unlimited amounts of mineral water, guests who are fasting are offered herbal teas, freshly made vegetable consommés and freshly pressed fruit juices – naturally all organic. Fasting begins with a light vegetarian meal on the day you arrive followed by a digestive rest day. After you have completed the fast, you gradually build up your nutrition again over a period of four days – an intense and pleasurable experience and one which is vital for the success of your stay in the long term. Those who are unable to fast or choose not to do so can enjoy Buchinger Wilhelmi’s wonderful organic gourmet cuisine or a special diet tailored to their individual nutritional requirements, allergies and personal preferences.

Integrative Medicine
The medical services offered at Buchinger Wilhelmi effectively combine modern diagnostics with complementary medicine, including naturopathic and alternative methods from western and eastern cultures as well as psychosomatic medicine. Our main focus is on prevention and encouraging a healthy lifestyle in the long term. For example, we offer regular talks on various health-related, medical and therapeutic topics.

Exercise and Relaxation
You can look forward to a varied programme of sports and relaxation at Buchinger Wilhelmi. Learn effective ways to improve your stamina and strength in group and individual sessions. In addition, you can try out various relaxation techniques such as autogenic training, meditation or yoga under expert guidance. Our therapists provide a more physical workout. Alternatively, you can go cycling, play tennis or golf. Daily walking tours with experienced guides to wonderful destinations nearby are particularly popular.