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Day 2

First Fast Reset Day

What happens on the first Fast Reset Day?

On DAY 2, the metabolic switch from glucose to fat and ketones takes place. You might feel a bit tired or have some strange moods or feelings. They show that your system is adapting to the new situation and that autophagy and apoptosis – your cell cleaning mechanisms – have been activated. Stick to your daily schedule, especially a midday break and outdoor activities. Please complete the daily questionnaire in the morning and evening. Take some minutes to think about your day: what are you thankful for, what were the challenges, the highlights, any moments when you felt a lack of motivation. What did you do to feel better or overcome a difficult situation?

Science behind the 5 Day Fast Reset Experience, Day 2

In this video, Dr. Françoise Wilhelmi de Toledo and Victor Wilhelmi focus on what happens to your body, mind and soul each day.

Buchinger Wilhelmi, Fasten, Heilfasten, Fasting, Health, Integrative Medicine

Morning ritual

Buchinger Wilhelmi, Fasten, Heilfasten, Fasting, Health, Integrative Medicine, patient, balcony, morning tea, Lake Constance, View

Morning Greeting

After waking up look at the (blue) sky, greet the new day while the production of melatonin stops and melanopsin, the wake up hormone, takes over. Do light stretching exercises.

Buchinger Wilhelmi, Fasten, Heilfasten, Fasting, Health, Integrative Medicine, measure, weighing, weight, weight loss

Daily Measurements

Your daily morning routine for the questionnaire: Measure ketosis in the first morning urine, weigh yourself, measure abdominal circumference. In case you have a device, measure your blood pressure. Don’t forget to drink the Fasting Minerals afterwards.

Buchinger Wilhelmi, Fasten, Heilfasten, Fasting, Health, Integrative Medicine, Meditation, silence, inner peace, relaxation

Warm morning reflection

Practice some kind of meditation and give energy to the goals that you have set for your reset experience e.g rebalance or interrupt undesired behavioral patterns, diminish inflammation, lift your mood, prevent aging.

Buchinger Wilhelmi, Fasten, Heilfasten, Fasting, Health, Integrative Medicine, fasting supplements, tea, hydration

Stay hydrated

Drink enough water and herbal teas during the day (at least two litres).

Buchinger Wilhelmi, Fasten, Heilfasten, Fasting, Health, Integrative Medicine


Buchinger Wilhelmi, Fasten, Heilfasten, Fasting, Health, Integrative Medicine, The 5 Day Fast Reset Experience, Fasting box, Reset, Soup

Enjoy your Reset Fast Soup

At noon take a break to eat a Reset Fast Soup of your choice and mix it with 35 g chickpea puree (1 tbsp). Top it up with some healthy, cold-pressed 25 g Oil (2,5 tbsp) that is rich in omega 3, DHEA and EPA. Make sure to drink the Fasting Minerals 30 min before the soup. Find a place to lie down afterwards, even if it’s only 15 minutes (ideal 30 minutes). Practice a power nap if needed.

Buchinger Wilhelmi, Fasten, Heilfasten, Fasting, Health, Integrative Medicine, Movement, exercise, nature, recovery

Keep moving

Find enough time (ideally up to 90 minutes) to do exercise (outdoors if possible), such as walking in nature, climbing stairs, cycling to work etc. You can break up the time for this throughout the day.

As an extra

Cutting back on carbohydrates over five days triggers the metabolic switch that makes this experience so beneficial. However, if you feel a moment of weakness due to slight hypoglycaemia or you just want to titillate your tastebuds, try the following:

Buchinger Wilhelmi, Fasten, Heilfasten, Fasting, Health, Integrative Medicine, The 5 Day Fast Reset Experience, Fasting box, Reset, Hubert Hohler, reset soup essence

Warm up

Make sure to drink (or salt the soups if wished) with two portions (20g) of Reset Soup Essence today. For one portion: add 1 tsp (10g) to 200 ml warm water and mix it to a clear bouillon. It gives you a warm feeling in your stomach.

Buchinger Wilhelmi, Fasten, Heilfasten, Fasting, Health, Integrative Medicine, The 5 Day Fast Reset Experience, Fasting box, Reset, Hubert Hohler, Wild Herbs essence

Digestion booster

To boost your digestion, mix 30 g Wild Herbs Essence and 100 ml warm or cold water.

Buchinger Wilhelmi, Fasten, Heilfasten, Fasting, Health, Integrative Medicine, The 5 Day Fast Reset Experience, Fasting box, Reset, Honey

Honey to save your day

Take a little spoon of honey – but watch out, it’s only if you really need it, so make sure you don’t get hooked and control your intake.

Buchinger Wilhelmi, Fasten, Heilfasten, Fasting, Health, Integrative Medicine


Buchinger Wilhelmi, Fasten, Heilfasten, Fasting, Health, Integrative Medicine, The 5 Day Fast Reset Experience, Fasting box, Reset, Soup

Enjoy your transition day soup

In the evening, make sure to drink the Fasting Minerals 30 min before the soup. Find a quiet place to enjoy another Reset Fast Soup of your choice + 35 g chickpea puree + 20 g Oil (2 tbsp).

Buchinger Wilhelmi, Fasten, Heilfasten, Fasting, Health, Integrative Medicine, Dr. Françoise Wilhelmi de Toledo, Advice, The 5 Day Fast Reset Experience, Fasting box, Reset, Transition day, survey, questionnaire

Fill the questionnaire

Please don’t forget to answer today’s questions. You should need 5-10 min for that. Klick the button below.