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„You cannot give more than yourself, but you should not give less.“

Maria Buchinger Wilhelmi

The Maria Buchinger Foundation

The Maria Buchinger Foundation was established in 2011 to continue the work of Maria Buchinger (1916 – 2010) and her husband Helmut Wilhelmi. Dr. Otto Buchinger’s daughter founded the Buchinger clinics in Überlingen and Marbella together with her husband and dedicated her life to continuously advancing the therapeutic fasting method and making it known around the world with great success. She recognized the importance of the communal aspects of fasting and put these at the centre of her work.

The goal of the foundation is to support scientific research on the topic of therapeutic fasting.

With the help of donations and contributions, the foundation works to promote research in fasting therapy in collaboration with universities and other research institutes.

It achieves this goal in particular by

  1. Awarding and funding research projects on fasting, natural and sustainable nutrition as well as topics relating to integrative medicine
  2. Funding research, educational and informational events

In addition, the foundation awards a prize every two years to researchers who have made a particular contribution to the development of fasting and fasting therapy.

The Maria Buchinger Foundation

The Maria Buchinger Foundation was established in 2011 to continue the work of Maria Buchinger (1916 – 2010) and her husband Helmut Wilhelmi. Dr. Otto Buchinger’s daughter founded the Buchinger clinics in Überlingen and Marbella together with her husband and dedicated her life to continuously advancing the therapeutic fasting method and making it known around the world with great success. She recognized the importance of the communal aspects of fasting and put these at the centre of her work.

The goal of the foundation is to support scientific research on the topic of therapeutic fasting.

With the help of donations and contributions, the foundation works to promote research in fasting therapy in collaboration with universities and other research institutes.

It achieves this goal in particular by

  1. Awarding and funding research projects on fasting, natural and sustainable nutrition as well as topics relating to integrative medicine
  2. Funding research, educational and informational events

In addition, the foundation awards a prize every two years to researchers who have made a particular contribution to the development of fasting and fasting therapy.

Maria Buchinger Foundation Award

The award is granted every two years by the Maria Buchinger Foundation to researchers for scientific documentation on the topic of fasting.


Award winners:

2011 Prof. Christine Uhlemann, Jena

2013 Prof. Valter Longo, University of South California, Los Angeles

2015 Dr. Heinz Fahrner und Dr. Hellmut Lützner, Überlingen

2017 Dr. Yvon Le Maho, CNRS, Strasbourg

2019 Mark Mattson, Professor of Neuroscience at Johns Hopkins University, See the video of the Award Ceremony


Board of Directors:

Dr. med. Françoise Wilhelmi de Toledo 1. Vorsitzende

Claus Rohrer, 2. Vorsitzender

Katharina Rohrer-Zaiser, Stiftungsrat

Leonard Wilhelmi, Stiftungsrat



Maria Buchinger Foundation Award

The award is granted every two years by the Maria Buchinger Foundation to researchers for scientific documentation on the topic of fasting.


Award winners:

2011 Prof. Christine Uhlemann, Jena

2013 Prof. Valter Longo, University of South California, Los Angeles

2015 Dr. Heinz Fahrner und Dr. Hellmut Lützner, Überlingen

2017 Dr. Yvon Le Maho, CNRS, Strasbourg

2019 Mark Mattson, Professor of Neuroscience at Johns Hopkins University, See the video of the Award Ceremony


Board of Directors:

Dr. med. Françoise Wilhelmi de Toledo 1. Vorsitzende

Claus Rohrer, 2. Vorsitzender

Katharina Rohrer-Zaiser, Stiftungsrat

Leonard Wilhelmi, Stiftungsrat

