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Welcome to life

Steffanie Hornstein - 10/09/2021 - 0 comments

A new member of the Buchinger Wilhelmi family

Josephine Marlies Françoise Wilhelmi was born on 2 July 2021 at 9:08 p.m. – to the delight of her proud parents Leonard Wilhelmi, Managing Director of Buchinger Wilhelmi clinic in Überlingen, and his partner Maureen, as well as the entire Buchinger Wilhelmi family.

“Maureen and I are so happy and proud of this godsend,” the new father said shortly after his daughter’s birth. “She is already an inquisitive, bright child who has made our life richer and brings us joy every day.”

Josephine is now the fifth girl in the fifth generation of the Buchinger Wilhelmi family. “We are thrilled to have such a lot of girl power,” Leonard Wilhelmi said enthusiastically.

Buchinger Wilhelmi, Fasten, Heilfasten, Fasting, Health, Integrative Medicine, Leonard Wilhelmi, Family, descendents