How to establish good habits
When it comes to living a long, healthy life, as humans we have a great deal of unlocked potential. That’s something we at Buchinger Wilhelmi are firmly convinced of. Again and again, we see how our guests undergo major changes within just a short time.
By adopting good habits such as doing sport, eating a healthy diet and achieving a good balance between work, leisure and taking time for ourselves, we can influence our own health and well-being. That’s why we want to show you how you can turn your good resolutions into sustainable, healthy habits.
Why New Year’s resolutions so often fail
Many people take advantage of the New Year to make all kinds of resolutions. There’s nothing wrong with that, of course. But only very few of these good intentions are actually turned into deeds in the long term. As Goethe said, not without reason, “Intentions are good, but hard to fulfil”. But why is that so? Often, good resolutions are about adopting a healthy lifestyle. According to a survey by statista, most people in United States want to do more sport, eat more healthily and lose weight:
Source: Statista; United States, October – November 2022; 413 respondents; 18 years & older; U.S. online population, respondents who made New Year’s resolutions
The main problem is that most people take on too much and set themselves unrealistic goals. As soon as it becomes clear how hard they are to fulfil, their motivation drops.
Of course, it doesn’t have to be New Year for you to change your way of life. You can do that every day and every minute of your life. And learning a good habit beats an ambitious resolution any day.
Good habits are better than good resolutions
Most of the day, we are driven by our subconsciousness: Our habits determine around 40 % of our behaviour. That makes it all the more important to drop bad habits and acquire new, healthy ones. The Cambridge Dictionary describes a “habit” as “something that you do often and regularly, sometimes without knowing that you are doing it”. Habits are so entrenched in our subconsciousness that we do them automatically and simply see them as part of our routine without thinking much about them. But for an action to become a habit, it has to be repeated many times.
So instead of trying to make radical change, we should try to gradually incorporate healthy habits into our life, ideally in a way that we can manage and repeat regularly. Otherwise, we risk failing. For example, “Next year I will go to the fitness studio five times a week” is a difficult goal to achieve if you aren’t used to exercising. It is easier to start with daily walks or a small workout at lunchtime to establish it as a habit. You can always build on this and gradually increase the amount you do.
When it comes to sport, healthy nutrition and managing stress, we at Buchinger Wilhelmi have plenty of tips for you. On our YouTube channel, you can find some information about fasting, health and nutrition from our experts. After all, we know from experience that fasting is perfect if you want to start a new healthy habit and keep it up in the long term. An ideal way to do this is with a longer stay in one of our clinics. Or a five-day reset with our FASTING BOX for use at home can be a great way to change to a healthier lifestyle.
Fasting can help you develop good habits
You can fast any time – in winter, summer, the new or the old year. What is important is that you choose a time that suits you, a time when you can mentally prepare for this special experience. After all, fasting is more than the purely physical aspect. It is also beneficial for your mind. To prepare mentally for change, fasting can set you in the right direction, because when you fast, you have the time to reflect, relax, exercise and slow down. In our clinics, we offer meditation and mindfulness courses, among other things.
If you would like to put the focus back on your health after Christmas and New Year, you can, of course, use the time to fast. If you haven’t got time to visit one of our clinics, try our FASTING BOX for use at home. It is an ideal opportunity to try out fasting and benefit from our expertise. Find out more about our FASTING BOX here.
If you would rather do a full fast in one of our clinics, you can book a stay with us at any time. Maybe your New Year’s resolution will be to book an appointment for a time that suits you best later in the year, and then consciously prepare for it.
Seven tips to entrench good habits in the long term
Whatever resolutions you have made (whether for the New Year or in-between), we want to help you adopt and keep up good habits for your body and your mind. That’s why we have put together some ideas for you that have been proven to be successful: