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Eating healthily after fasting

Steffanie Hornstein - 12/04/2022 - 0 comments

How fasting at Buchinger Wilhelmi can help you to eat healthily in the long term.

Did you make a New Year’s resolution to start eating more healthily? Or have you just decided to look into the topic of wholefood nutrition? In our often stressful lives, we find it hard to change entrenched eating habits. Fasting can offer an ideal opportunity to make a fresh start and has the effect of resetting your body. This is the perfect moment to learn new behaviours and retain them in the long term. To make it easier for guests at our clinics to switch to a more healthy and conscious way of eating and living, we offer several courses as part of our programme. If you would like some recipes to give you inspiration at home, we have put together a playlist with our favourite dishes. You can also order our cookbook directly from our Online Shop

Theory and practice

In lectures, the nutritional experts from our clinic explain the many correlations between nutrition and health. They also provide lots of practical tips to help you eat more healthily and integrate a healthier lifestyle into your everyday life, combined with exercises and greater body awareness.

At special cooking lessons in our “demonstration kitchen”, we show you how easy it is to prepare healthy and tasty meals. The cooking demonstrations take place several times a week on various topics, and are offered both as group and individual courses.

By the way, did you know that Buchinger Wilhelmi clinic on Lake Constance is a certified teaching clinic for nutritional medicine? As a special treat, we offer a 14-day course to train as an organic gourmet chef. You can take part in this course yourself – or simply send your cook to train with us.

Eating better with individual nutritional advice

If you need more comprehensive support to manage the transition to a healthier diet, then take advantage of our individual nutritional advice at Buchinger Wilhelmi. Our nutritionists tailor their advice to your particular situation and personal challenges: Does eating out regularly in restaurants get in the way of your plans to eat more healthily? Or maybe you simply don’t have the time to cook every day, or you are uncertain about choosing the right ingredients.

As part of our individual nutritional advice, our experts will analyse your previous eating habits and suggest improvements, depending on your individual life situation. That way, you will find it much easier to switch to a healthier way of eating in the long term.

If you like, you can supplement your nutritional advice with an individual meal plan or a one-on-one cooking lesson. You can also order healthy ingredients and useful utensils from our shop and have them delivered to your home.

Five easy tips to help you get fit for the start of spring

At last, those long, dark winter months are over. Give your body a helping hand and start spring feeling healthy and full of life. We have put together five tips to help you put a spring back into your step.

Enjoy the first vegetables of the season

The first spring vegetables are ideal to replenish your empty vitamin and mineral depots. Take your pick, because buying seasonal produce gives you plenty of essential nutrients and creates variety in your meal plan. In April, the markets are full of fresh radishes, wild garlic and leaf spinach that can be turned into all kinds of delicious spring dishes.

Grow your own fruit, vegetables and herbs

Now is the ideal time to become self-sufficient and start thinking about growing fresh fruit, vegetables and vitamin-rich herbs in your own garden. Garden work is a good way to relieve stress and get your circulation going. What’s more, growing your own food avoids plastic waste and reduces your carbon footprint. If you don’t have your own garden, you can make space on the balcony for tomatoes, lettuce and herbs. Shoots and herbs even thrive on the windowsill.

Soak up the sun

As the days get longer, the sun also grows more intensive. That’s good news, because not only does sunlight boost the body’s own production of vitamin D, it also causes it to release more so-called “happiness” hormones. Besides endorphins, these also include serotonin, a hormone that controls many processes in the body. So try spending as much time as possible outdoors, and enjoy the warmth of the sun on your skin. But make sure you don’t overdo it and risk getting sunburn, and only spend as much time without protection as your skin type allows.

Get moving

Warmth and light stimulate the organism and make us want to exercise more again. The best way to do this is in the fresh air. Start by going on long walks to get into your stride without overstraining your winter-worn muscles. Maybe you even fancy trying out a new kind of sport? If you don’t have the time to fit more exercise into your busy day, then combine movement with pleasure, and walk or cycle at last part of the way to work. You could even try holding a meeting on a walk rather than in the office.

Get rid of unnecessary ballast

Use the urge to get active in spring to throw out things that you no longer need or have too much of. That way, not only will you create order in your life and space for new things, but you can also say goodbye to emotional baggage, and hello to feelings of lightness and well-being.

Do you want more information?

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